Meet Buddy the Cat. If it is absolutely necessary for you to win a prize, you should take Buddy the Cat to a bowling alley, to a shooting range, to a ring throwing competition, to a darts game, to a golf course or to a baseball field. Be assured, the prize will be yours! No one has ever bitten this cat in accuracy. Even eagles cannot compete with Buddy the Cat’s eyes. All the sparrows in the hood have nothing to worry about, though, because Buddy the Cat will never harm his feathered little buddies. In fact, he enjoys chatting with them whenever he has a free minute. Why does he need a slingshot then? First of all, it is his talisman which he made with his own, ahem, paws. Second of all, it matches his tough-guy-in-the-hood image which suits this crafty mustached rascal so well.
(25 cm)